Anybody who attended our 2012 Conference will know how informative and educational the lectures were, given by experts in their fields. We thought we’d give everyone an opportunity to get hold of the notes so the valuable information can be shared amongst those who were unable to attend the conference. The topics included are:
Vet Stream:
- Calcium Metabolism by Molly Varga
- Problems of the Geriatric Rabbit by John Chitty
- Neurological Disease in Rabbits – Headtilts and Beyond by Anna Meredith
- Rabbit Anaesthesia in Practice and Beyond by Kevin Eatwell
- Airway Management and Dentistry in Rabbits by Ivan Crotaz
- Clinical Exam by Elisabetta Mancinelli
- A Quick Guide to Cytology in the Rabbit by Aiden Raftery
Owners Stream
- Chronic Management of Snuffles by Elisabetta Mancinelli
- Rabbit Anaesthesia in Practice and Beyond by Kevin Eatwell
- Testing Rabbits by John Chitty
Vet/Owners Stream
- The Rabbit – Ethics, Welfare, Law and Behaviour by Anne McBride
- Rabbit Nutrition – The Latest Research by Jenny Prebble.